Advancing The Industrial Edge

Network and Cloud Technologies for Industry 4.0

Network and Cloud Technologies for Industry 4.0

The industrial world has experienced three periods of radical transformation and is now in the fourth great transformation driven by the Internet of Things (IoT) — known as Industry 4.0 or Industrial IoT (IIoT).This transformation is based on interconnecting devices, people, processes, and tools and is driving an ever-increasing quantity of transactional data that requires secure transfer to the cloud computing services and storage that are required to deliver IoT solutions globally.

To meet this “constantly connected” requirement of Industry 4.0 innovation, IIoT deployments must leverage multiple technologies. However, the use of these technologies can lead to a flood of data that must be appropriately and securely managed in order to effectively run.

This is where Turnium’s SD-WAN and Industrial Edge solutions create a significant impact.

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