SD-WAN vs. MPLS: The Complete Landscape


In the digital age, businesses are on a constant search for networking solutions that offer the best speed, reliability, and security without bearing the burden of exorbitant costs. The wide deployment of cloud applications and the Internet of Things (IoT) has significantly transformed modern networking architectures, prompting an essential question for technology entrepreneurs and corporate networking experts alike: SD-WAN or MPLS?

This comprehensive analysis of SD-WAN and MPLS is a strategic guide for enterprises navigating the complex network landscape and seeking to determine the most effective path toward enhanced performance and efficiency. Whether considering a transition or assessing your current infrastructure, the insights provided herein will offer valuable direction in unraveling the complexities of SD-WAN and MPLS.

Understanding SD-WAN and MPLS

Before we unfurl the direct comparisons, it’s vital to grasp the essence of each solution.

MPLS in the Limelight of Leased Lines

Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) emerged at the turn of the millennium as a beacon of hope for Service Providers. Renowned for its reliability and quality of service, MPLS carved a niche as the go-to solution for enterprises demanding precise routing and stringent Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

The Surge of SD-WAN

In stark contrast, Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) is the progeny of a digital, software-driven revolution and is optimized for agility and efficiency. By leveraging software and internet circuits instead of hardware and proprietary carrier networks, SD-WAN expedites the deployment of network services and enhances the user experience for cloud-based applications.

Key Features and Differences Between SD-WAN and MPLS

The Traditional MPLS Framework:

The Evolution to SD-WAN:

Features SD-WAN MPLS
AES data encryption
Flexible contracts
Rapid deployment
Carrier redundancy
BYO connectivity
Hybrid networks
Quality of services (QoS)
SD-WAN vs. MPLS: A Comparative Analysis

SD-WAN vs. MPLS: A Comparative Analysis

1. Performance Under Pressure

When it comes to raw performance, MPLS has long been the gold standard. However, SD-WAN’s dynamic path selection and ability to aggregate multiple transport links have closed the gap significantly. For businesses prioritizing application performance, SD-WAN’s adaptability makes it a compelling contender.

2. Ease of Deployment and Management

For ease and speed of deployment as well as visibility and management, SD-WAN stands out as the clear leader compared to MPLS. SD-WAN streamlines the process of network configuration, deployment, and management, offering unparalleled flexibility to swiftly adjust in scale and size without any constraints. And SD-WAN gives Service Providers and optionally customers, visibility and control over their network conditions.

Contrarily, MPLS, a mature product, involves challenges like long design, quote, order, and implementation cycles, along with complex configurations that may give rise to costly errors. It offers less visibility into performance or network health, and organizations relying on MPLS depend on service provider contracts, with network implementation and configuration managed via trouble tickets, escalations, and MACD requests.

3. Crunching the Numbers: Cost Efficiency

The financial case for SD-WAN is compelling. Its cost-effectiveness, operational expenditure-friendly pricing, and potential savings on transport costs make it an appealing option for businesses. Our analysis of Turnium SD-WAN partner deployments demonstrates that organizations can anticipate a quick return on investment. With the break-even point reached in less than a year, they can achieve a 143% return on investment within the first twelve months.

MPLS, in contrast, has been chastised for its inflexible pricing and inability to adapt to evolving cost structures. Additionally, the rising demand for bandwidth and QoS has resulted in businesses paying exorbitant costs through long-term fixed contracts.

4. Scalability and Flexibility

When it comes to scalability, SD-WAN stands out. Its capability to seamlessly integrate or disconnect network branches as needed perfectly matches the evolving scalability requirements of contemporary businesses. This inherent adaptability enables networks to swiftly adjust to shifts and growth, enhancing both deployment speed and scalability.

In contrast, MPLS networks are frequently managed by established service providers, which restricts transparency into performance and network health. Consequently, businesses find themselves reliant on external elements for network management, potentially resulting in prolonged and costlier troubleshooting processes. Hence, for companies that need swift adaptability and broader reach beyond conventional enterprise boundaries, MPLS could prove to be burdensome.

Security and Reliability

5. Security and Reliability

When comparing SD-WAN and MPLS, it’s important to evaluate both options in terms of reliability and security. SD-WAN stands out as a leading choice due to its advanced AES data encryption features. This technology allows for end-to-end 128 or 256 AES encryption, directly applied through the software and taking advantage of built-in acceleration in many chipsets used on the SD-WAN equipment. To further bolster security, it has the unique advantage of obfuscating data flows when bonding multiple links, making it resistant to in-transit data capture by ill-intended third parties.

In terms of reliability, SD-WAN allows for bonding multiple links that are active simultaneously, delivering up to 95% available bandwidth without route reconvergence. This feature ensures that even if one link fails, the rest remain active, thus maintaining a constant connection.

On the other hand, MPLS lacks native encryption, requiring a separate device for this functionality. Additionally, its reliance on a secure network core and labeling for data privacy may not provide the same level of security that SD-WAN delivers. MPLS’ redundancy also requires route reconvergence, which means only half of the available bandwidth is utilized at any given time.

Download our one-pager on a technical comparison between Turnium SD-WAN vs. traditional MPLS

The Final Verdict

In the analysis of SD-WAN versus MPLS, a compelling argument positions SD-WAN as the more definitive favorite for numerous organizations seeking to thrive in a digitally transformed ecosystem. The versatility and cost-efficiency of SD-WAN are unparalleled, meeting the evolving needs of businesses that demand agility, innovation, and seamless integration with cloud services. Its inherent ability to support bandwidth-intensive applications without incurring the hefty price tag associated with MPLS circuits effectively democratizes high-performance networking.

Furthermore, the intelligence and flexibility encoded into SD-WAN enables a level of network control and visibility that was previously unattainable, offering businesses a granular insight into their traffic and the ability to pivot swiftly in response to changing network conditions. This adaptability is crucial in an era where dependable access to cloud resources and SaaS applications can markedly influence an organization’s operational efficacy and competitive edge.

Indeed, while MPLS continues to hold value for traditional and more rigid scenarios, the dynamic nature of today’s digital landscape makes SD-WAN the more strategic choice for forward-looking enterprises.

Making the Switch

The move towards SD-WAN reflects more than just a fleeting trend; it’s a solid endorsement of its powerful ability to bring network infrastructure in line with key strategic business goals such as enhancing agility, fostering growth, and driving innovation.

This transition acknowledges the critical role that agile and responsive network solutions play in supporting the dynamic needs of modern businesses aiming to stay ahead in a fast-evolving digital landscape. For those looking into how SD-WAN can transform their network capabilities, the experts at Turnium are ready to assist. Contact us today.