Delivering Quality Voice and Video Services with Turnium

Deliver Quality Voice and Video Services

In today’s fast-paced digital world, delivering high-quality Voice over IP (VoIP), Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), and Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) is crucial for service providers. Turnium (TSXV.TTGI) offers a revolutionary solution to enhance the reliability, quality, and profitability of these services. Here’s how Turnium’s software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) platform can transform your voice and video service delivery.

Enhancing Service Reliability and Quality

SD-WAN technology ensures that customers experience uninterrupted and high-quality calls. The platform provides a failover solution that prevents ongoing calls from dropping, ensuring business continuity even in the event of a circuit failure. With Quality of Service (QoS) features, real-time traffic is prioritized, reducing jitter, latency, and packet loss, which are critical for maintaining the integrity of voice and video communications.

Advanced Connectivity Options

Service providers can upsell additional connectivity options such as wireline, 4G/5G, and low-earth orbit satellite services like Starlink. The flexible functionality of SD-WAN, especially for customers with limited connectivity options, provides a competitive edge in the market. As Peter Kley from ATS Communications states,

"Turnium gives us the SD-WAN solutions we’ve been needing to fully support our premise VOIP customers and others."

Performance, Quality of Service, and Security

Using multiple circuits simultaneously enhances performance and bandwidth. The platform’s bandwidth adaptation feature automatically adjusts to mitigate network issues, ensuring a seamless call experience. For industries with stringent compliance requirements, SD-WAN encrypts traffic, including voice calls, and distributes packets across all available circuits, enhancing security by obfuscating data and making intercepts less likely to succeed.

High Availability and Failover

High Availability and Failover

Advanced link aggregation technology bonds multiple circuits into one large virtual connection, treating them as a single virtual internet link. This technology enables sub-second failover across aggregated circuits, preserving calls in-progress and increasing bandwidth. Standby circuits can be activated automatically when needed, ensuring a continuous service without dropping calls or terminating sessions.

Improving Operations and Customer Experience

Operations teams gain valuable insights through a comprehensive dashboard, providing the visibility and information needed to improve customer experience and resolve issues swiftly. Visualizing traffic and circuit conditions allows for quick diagnosis of issues that may affect service quality, helping in closing trouble tickets faster and ensuring a high-quality managed service experience for customers.

Transforming Your Service Delivery

Embracing Turnium’s SD-WAN can lead to significant improvements in service delivery. Customers will benefit from higher performance, enhanced reliability, and increased security in their voice and video communications. By ensuring high-quality, reliable, and secure communications, service providers can reduce trouble tickets, win more customers, and deliver a superior experience. If you are looking to enhance your service offerings, consider Turnium’s robust and flexible SD-WAN solutions.

For more information, visit Turnium or contact the sales team at or +1 604-398-4314.