Enhancing the Journey: How Rocky Mountaineer Achieved Internet Reliability

How Rocky Mountaineer Achieved Internet Reliability

At the heart of delivering an unforgettable experience lies seamless connectivity, especially in an environment as challenging as the rugged terrains traversed by Rocky Mountaineer’s luxury rail tours. Beautiful landscapes, exceptional service, and the need for constant, secure connectivity with remote applications for the staff onboard. That’s where Turnium stepped in to transform the connectivity landscape for Rocky Mountaineer.

Meeting the Challenge of Unreliable Connectivity

Initially, Rocky Mountaineer embarked on their connectivity journey with an SD-WAN platform from a conventional networking company. However, this initial solution encountered a myriad of hurdles, from inefficient LTE connection throughput to operational bottlenecks and licensing constraints. The platform failed to deliver the critical link aggregation and multi-carrier traffic balancing essential for maintaining a dependable internet connection along the diverse and challenging routes.

Enter Turnium: Redefining Reliability, Exceeding Expectations

Turnium’s solution became the cornerstone of Rocky Mountaineer’s quest for reliable connectivity. The deployment of Turnium’s SD-WAN not only addressed the initial connectivity hurdles but also exceeded expectations. By harnessing Turnium’s capabilities, Rocky Mountaineer gained improved LTE connection throughput, enhanced performance, and crucially, a robust and cost-effective solution for maintaining uninterrupted internet connectivity.

The Power of Turnium's Technology

Turnium’s SD-WAN didn’t just resolve connectivity issues; it revolutionized them. By automatically balancing traffic across multiple LTE connections and seamlessly integrating satellite connections into the mix, Turnium ensured a continuous and stable internet connection for Rocky Mountaineer’s team members. This was especially crucial during transitions through diverse terrains and carrier network boundaries, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity regardless of the challenges posed by the mountainous landscapes.

The Power of Turnium's Technology

Simplicity and Flexibility: Key Advantages

What set Turnium apart for Rocky Mountaineer’s IT team was its simplicity and adaptability. The platform’s plug-and-play capability facilitated swift moves, additions, and modifications, allowing the IT teams to make necessary adjustments promptly. Moreover, Turnium’s licensing model and compatibility with standard hardware enabled cost-effective deployment, a crucial factor in the demanding operational environment onboard the trains.

"Through Turnium, our Team Members can serve our guests through more effective communication and use of technology."

Looking ahead, Rocky Mountaineer is poised to elevate its service standards further, thanks to the transformative impact of Turnium’s technology. The ability to prioritize critical applications and ensure constant connectivity, even across challenging terrains, has set a new benchmark for internet reliability.

Experience Unmatched Internet Connectivity

Are you seeking to transform your connectivity challenges into opportunities? Contact Turnium today to explore how our solutions can redefine internet reliability for your business. Let’s embark on a journey towards seamless connectivity together.

Rocky Mountaineer Success Story

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Improving Internet Reliability to Deliver an Experience of a Lifetime